About the Programme
This programme is specifically designed for Practitioners who are dedicated to helping or working with people, animals, land or natures energy & frequency, as well as those on a deeper journey of self discovery.
This programme gives the practitioner an existence overview, providing them with the tools that look at life forms & their existence at every level & layer, looking at their natural footprint & being able to identify when distortion at any of those layers and levels is supressing their growth, life experience & general ability to thrive.
This programme includes teaching simple & more advanced methods of assessment, which can be used in your own practice, identifying the issues & then expanding your problem-solving tools that work at this level of assessment.
This programme isn't just about identifying the issues that may prevent growth or the ability to flourish as nature intended, it's about also recognising the steps and implementing those that encourage the alignment with natural growth and symmetry. This enables nature and life forms to truly thrive, including in their relationships with others.
Ascension work takes the Practitioner into the overview of the quantum field, the frequency field that holds a being, animal or life forms whole existence. From this overview we're able to use certain intuitive based tools to assess the whole picture for them, enabling us to restore, build & expand their position and therefore their stronger foundations for growth & ascension of their energies.
This programme is certificated and evidence of competency is reflected in the case study building. Claire can supply a large selection of case study students from her volunteers group if needed.
This work benefits the practitioner too, attracting those clients to them with whom this relates, as well as creating a high frequency based experience of life in every way.
The Curriculum
- Welcome and Objectives
- Intro & Induction
- Starter Exercise
- An Atomic Universe
- Our Own Ascension
- Dimensions & their Frequency
- Clearing the path - The Quick Assessment Process
- Understanding our Infrastructure
- The Layers of Topology
- Life Pattern
- Light Body Anatomy
- Spiritual Anatomy
- The Quick Assessment Process
- The Questioning Menu
- Breakout Session
- The Quick Assessment Process
- Homework
- Documents to support you
- Welcome & Objectives
- Easy & Simple Alchemy Solutions
- Creating your Work Space
- The Power of One
- Create a power of one with for client
- The Quick Assessment Process
- Understanding our Existence
- Our Energy Signature & Ethereal Chakras
- Reasons for Distortion
- Our Soul Group and Sacred Contracts
- Ancestral Lines
- Our Life Times
- Parallel Lives
- The Quick Assessment Process & Homework
- Welcome and Objectives
- Our Collective Conscious
- Balancing the Collective
- Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
- Duplicate Etheric
- Connection with Ra
- Creating your work space
- The Dimensional Layers of our Existence
- Using EINAR
- Using the Octahedron
- Other Dimensional Spaces
- The Elemental Realm 7D
- The Angelic Realm 8D
- The Light Realm 9D & other Dimensional Spaces
- Summery
- Downloadable Handouts
Course Content
A 3 month mentoring programme with wrap around support consisting of at least 16 hours of tuition, 6 workshops & 4 x 121's
Week 1 – The Path of Ascension Group workshop 2hrs
Includes – Intro to EINAR an intuitive problem solving tool; Dimensional working; Understanding the spiritual body, Topology & life pattern expansion
Week 2 - 121 session (Your Ascension Path) - Book in 121
Week 3 – Higher self, Quantum Field & Existence related workshop 2hrs
Includes – Parallel lives, Other life times, Origins, Ancestral lines & Soul Group working. Distortion lifting, projecting a clean energy, creating time symmetry
Week 4 - 121 Session (Your Ascension Path) Book in 121
Week 5 – Collective Conscious & Dimensional Relationships Workshop 2hrs
Includes – Reaching balance with your collective conscious prior to 5th frequency change; working consciously from other dimensions – Elemental/Angelic/Light
Week 6 - 121 Session (Your Ascension Path) Book in 121
Week 7 – The Ehyeh (5th frequency) Group Workshop 2hrs
Includes – Advanced alchemy, reaching the 6th frequency, creating duplicate etherics (double skin), Remote view & Body scanning, creating the EINAR healing tool
Week 8 – 121 Session (Your Ascension Path) – Book in 121
Week 9 – Assessing & Solving all life forms re Healing & Balance at whole Existence level workshop 2 hrs
Week 10 - Case study building Stage 1 Assessing & Restoring Balance - Case study Q & A’s
Week 11 – Case study building Stage 1 – Free time to build and collate
Week 12 - Assessing & Solving all life forms re Growth at whole existence level workshop 2hrs
Week 13 – Case study building Stage 2 Growth & Ascension – Case study Q & A’s
Week 14 – Case study building stage 2 – Free time to build & collate
Week 15 - Case Study evaluation & submission - Certification