Ideal for you if......

You've reached the 7th Frequency and are working for yourself or with clients on the layers of existence, and you wish to step forward with this work further & create long term intentions for significant issues be it personal, health, scenario based, relationships where there is a need for significant change and significant layers of challenge, conflict or distortion exist between the intention and the desired outcome.
Learning to work with Tao and the fabric of life that holds everything together, allows the synchronised adjustment and integration of such change to magnetise the resources to you or the client that are needed for the change to happen.

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Curriculum Includes.....

  • Creation of future space and its maintenance and protection
  • Understanding & working with Tao
  • Working atomically
  • Working to smooth the future path in relation to - challenges & desires
  • Working within scenarios, relationships and paths ahead
  • Working with magnetic energy
  • Bringing the 7th & 8th Frequencies together

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